Thursday, January 22, 2009

My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 34

On day 34, my share money will go to a scholarship fund for my grammar school, which used to be Holy Family, but now it called Good Shepherd Academy. I want to give a kid the chance to go to Catholic School if their family so desires. It may change their life for the better as it did mine. I loved that school and have been having a fun time connecting with my friends on FaceBook.
So $34oo to a scholarship for a GS Academy student in need, $30,600 left to spend.

I have been giving it a lot of thought during the day and this money will be going to pay for my son's culinary education. My 2nd son wants to be a chef and I will put this money aside for him. He wants to build a restaurant, which I am sure I will help fund at a later date! He wants to attend the best school, so as long as they accept him, he will go! It has been such a delight to put my thoughts to places where I could spend instead of thinking always how I don't have enough. It is freeing and I believe has been key to how my financial situation has been changing in a very positive direction. I know that another's gain is not a sign that I am missing out and that there is enough for everyone. I have every faith that this experiment will lead me to more and more good things coming my way. Have you started your experiment yet? See how it can change your life.
All the best,

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