"Welcome to the world of Wikinomics where collaboration...is set 2 change every institution in society." from the book Wikinomics I got a special treat yesterday. The opportunity to read the book entitled: Wikinomics. What is Wikinomics you ask? I think the quote above explains it quite well, but I will expand on the topic. It is the mass collaboration of information and of individual who together make up the new, growing economic future. It is a place where one can count bigger and better than before. It is a wave that is growing by leaps and bounds and is not to be ignored. Ignoring it is death in the future business world. Incorporating is life. Change or die. Its that simple. Stake your claim in the future world and you will succeed. Stay stuck in the old ways of doing things and you will be just that: stuck. In the first chapter so far, the story is told of a Canadian Gold Mining Company whose President stepped way out of the box and used his knowledge of Wikinomics and applied them to benefit his company. They integrated it so flawlessly that it made more discoveries of gold than they thought possible. They attracted, through the use of the newly created global community exactly what they needed and so much more. I am excited to keep reading this book. I will post more as I read alongs its pages.
Here is one more quote before I go: "Individuals now share knowledge, computing power, bandwith, and other resources to create a wide array of free and open source goods and services that anyone can use or modify" "All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join in the economy."
Heres to sparks.
All the Best,
Your Friend,
Alicia Bozza
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