Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Following a one year old...

Have you ever had the privilege of watching the first steps of a one year old? It is so much fun to watch...but did you notice that they almost never fold their arms in anger and say "I quit!"? They get up, again and again and simply do it all over again. They are the

quintessential example of how we should live our lives. They don't say, the floor doesn't like me! Gravity is not my friend, Suzy's not walking yet! I'm too fat! I'm just not built to do this stuff! I haven't had enough training yet! NO, they just get up and do! They do not allow any preconceived notions get into their heads, they just do, do, do! Sometimes we need to get a clue and follow the lead of a one year old. Close our ears, focus our eyes, plug our noses and drive ahead into what fears you the most. Who knows what this new year might bring?

All the Best,

Alicia Bozza

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