Wednesday, December 24, 2008

On the Fifth day of my experiment.....

Ahhhhh....Christmas Eve and the fifth day of the experiment. I have to say it is so much more fun to think big than small. I can truly say it does my heart good. Today I am going to give my tithe money to Ave Maria University who is building a Law School. I always wanted to go to Law School. Why not give someone else a chance. (Never could get that LSAT passed, even with the $500 course!!) Anywho, today, with the remaining $4500, I think I will put a downpayment on a new Mini Van with 8 seats. We could always use a new vehicle, and this one would fit us nicely. Since gas prices are so low, we could take more kids to more places! I like the neutral color, but I know that hubby likes blue, so maybe we would get the one with that's blue.

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