Friday, January 9, 2009

My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 21

On the 21st day of my experiment, I am going to give $2100 to my church for the Haiti village we are building. It is such a testament to our wonderful church that it does so many things and has so many ministries. Around here, Notre Dame is the place to be! I am blessed to be a part of it.

OK! $18,900....with that money, I would like to purchase some necessities for the studio I am building. It is kind of ironic that my post for the 12th day was dedicated to the studio and here I am at 21 and the studio comes up again. I will take it as a good sign. The $10,800 going towards my studio would probably be spent on equipment, the $18,900 would be spent on clearing the land, widening the driveway and paving the driveway....$14,000....and the remaining $4,900 will be spent on blueprints, permits and some instruments for the kids to play in the studio. Gavin would love a new guitar and Justin, some great amps and mics. What a happy day!
All the Best!

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