Most of my network marketing career, I would hear, only play ball with those who want to play ball with you! Throw them the ball and when they throw it back to you, you know you have a team player! That was all well and good, but I always felt like no one wanted to play with me. I always thought it was me. Was I not good enough, pretty enough, tall enough, not respectable enough? What was wrong with me? Why didn't anyone want to play with me? I would study the latest closing techniques, put them to memory, practice in front of the mirror and even use no avail. I went to meetings, events, purchased material, and still not as much luck as I wanted! Why was this happening to me. Is it something I did in my childhood that I am paying for? Whaaaa!
Now, of course I did not voice these things out loud, but I would feel anxious and edgy to all those around me without really knowing why exactly. My Director in my company would tell me that I was a great leader and that I was doing great, but I did not believe her. Why? The evidence wasn't there. Who was to blame in my mind? ME. Well, there was nothing wrong with the company, right? Wrong! No company is perfect for that matter, but when you have a company that is designed to support only those who are the most cut throat and a do or die attitude, then is it the fault of the person who is just not cut out that way? I think not. Recently, though, I found a system in which I have found some team players. None of them coerced, not of them lulled in by any false pretenses....they have come of their own accord....willingly. It has been exciting to hear the words: "Did you know that your lack of success is NOT your fault?" What? It isn't? You mean I don't have to blame myself anymore? WOW! I can't begin to tell you the freedom that simple sentence gives. Freedom from blame, freedom from shame. It's not my fault.....ahhhhhh. Now I can pick myself up again with a renewed hope and PLAY BALL!
For more about this amazing system, feel free to check it out at or contact me at or send me a twitter at or call me at 973-664-9658
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