Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 33

It is now the 33rd day of my experiment and it is becoming clear to me that my expectations needed to be a LOT bigger than I originally thought! Today's tithe is going to a place that I find so much peace in. I am going to give the money to help maintain my local town's Country Club. I know you might be club? What do they need your money for? This Club is different. It is owned by the town and not the kind you are used to hearing about. It is more of a humble Country Club and who doesn't need a boost these days. I once heard that the best place to give your tithe money to is a place that feeds you spiritually and this place does that to me. I do not belong to the club, but I do frequent the course to walk in the mornings when the weather is nice. It is one of the most peaceful places I have ever been to. It just lets me think and I love it. My kids call it Mommy's golf course and I don't even golf! So $3300 donation to the Mount Tabor Country Club.

The rest of the money will be spent joining the club, and buying the whole family clubs, outfits, lessons, and a golf cart of our own. We will have to rent space out for all our stuff! (lol) Maybe they will let us. You never know! I will get a cute golfing outfit for all the kids except, of course, the littlest one. She could use the hand me down clubs for her sisters. It will fun to have a sport to do as a family and we could travel to different courses together. Since the course is 2 blocks from our house, it will be hard to make too many excuses not to go. At the worst, it will be something that Dan and I could do....alone! I am figuring that the total of all the golf equipment would be about $12,000, which leaves money left over...($17,700) Dan and I would then take a trip to South Carolina where we could use our new equipment since it is too cold to try it out here. Of course it would be on a weekend when we would go because of work and the kids at school. Speaking of school, some of the money would go to pay for a tutor to keep the kids on track of their school work. I would set aside the money to pay for the annual salary of my tutor and give her bonuses based on the kid's grades! Awesome! No more homework stress for well spent!
All the best,

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