Friday, January 23, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 35
Today is the 35th day of my experiment. I am going to give $3500 to St. Lucy's in Newark for saving my Dad's life. He was a Nicky Newarker and from a very large family of 7 children. His Dad was not around much and my Dad spent a lot of time in the streets with his gang. One of the solid forces in his life was centered around this wonderful church and its Drum & Bugle Corps. Through the miracle of music, I think Dad's soul was lured to the Lord. So, this is where I am putting my 2 cents in today. They will appreciate the money coming from someone who, as a little girl, was their little confessor. It is just a tiny gift to repay them the good that they did for me and that they still do today.
The rest of the money is going to go to pay for the downpayment on my Pocono home. When I was a little girl, my parents used to take me to 3 different places: Ecuador (about every 7 years), the beach (every year we did not go to Ecuador) and last, but not least, the Poconos. I have always been very at home in the woods. (More so than the shore....) The prices of houses the way they are, I should be able to secure the home and pay the downpayment in a vacation area so that we could have a place to retreat to if we wanted, whenever we wanted. It would have to be several rooms so that we could have many guests come and stay with us. We would probably have 6 bedrooms with 2 sets of bunks in at least 3 of the rooms. It would have to be near a lake, probably close to my friend Anne, who I adore. It would have to be in a community, near a church and close to fun things, like skiing, and water slide parks. I can't wait to show the kids how much fun it is to spend time in the woods and all the fun things you could do. I miss the Poconos already. I have not been there in a long time. :) Now, with my own home there, I could go anytime. Oh, and I would have a video surveilance camera put in to make sure the kids did not have crazy parties there....they will never have to know. :)
All the best,
ps- Here is a shot of a home from Looks like something I would buy.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 34
On day 34, my share money will go to a scholarship fund for my grammar school, which used to be Holy Family, but now it called Good Shepherd Academy. I want to give a kid the chance to go to Catholic School if their family so desires. It may change their life for the better as it did mine. I loved that school and have been having a fun time connecting with my friends on FaceBook.
So $34oo to a scholarship for a GS Academy student in need, $30,600 left to spend.
I have been giving it a lot of thought during the day and this money will be going to pay for my son's culinary education. My 2nd son wants to be a chef and I will put this money aside for him. He wants to build a restaurant, which I am sure I will help fund at a later date! He wants to attend the best school, so as long as they accept him, he will go! It has been such a delight to put my thoughts to places where I could spend instead of thinking always how I don't have enough. It is freeing and I believe has been key to how my financial situation has been changing in a very positive direction. I know that another's gain is not a sign that I am missing out and that there is enough for everyone. I have every faith that this experiment will lead me to more and more good things coming my way. Have you started your experiment yet? See how it can change your life.
All the best,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 33
It is now the 33rd day of my experiment and it is becoming clear to me that my expectations needed to be a LOT bigger than I originally thought! Today's tithe is going to a place that I find so much peace in. I am going to give the money to help maintain my local town's Country Club. I know you might be club? What do they need your money for? This Club is different. It is owned by the town and not the kind you are used to hearing about. It is more of a humble Country Club and who doesn't need a boost these days. I once heard that the best place to give your tithe money to is a place that feeds you spiritually and this place does that to me. I do not belong to the club, but I do frequent the course to walk in the mornings when the weather is nice. It is one of the most peaceful places I have ever been to. It just lets me think and I love it. My kids call it Mommy's golf course and I don't even golf! So $3300 donation to the Mount Tabor Country Club.
The rest of the money will be spent joining the club, and buying the whole family clubs, outfits, lessons, and a golf cart of our own. We will have to rent space out for all our stuff! (lol) Maybe they will let us. You never know! I will get a cute golfing outfit for all the kids except, of course, the littlest one. She could use the hand me down clubs for her sisters. It will fun to have a sport to do as a family and we could travel to different courses together. Since the course is 2 blocks from our house, it will be hard to make too many excuses not to go. At the worst, it will be something that Dan and I could do....alone! I am figuring that the total of all the golf equipment would be about $12,000, which leaves money left over...($17,700) Dan and I would then take a trip to South Carolina where we could use our new equipment since it is too cold to try it out here. Of course it would be on a weekend when we would go because of work and the kids at school. Speaking of school, some of the money would go to pay for a tutor to keep the kids on track of their school work. I would set aside the money to pay for the annual salary of my tutor and give her bonuses based on the kid's grades! Awesome! No more homework stress for well spent!
All the best,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 32
We could take a helicopter ride to see the volcanoes, take rides on the famous waterslide at the resort, I will take a full spa day all for me, (with my cell phone and a book, of course!) make leis, go to a luau, everything!! It would be a trip of a lifetime!
All the best,
Monday, January 19, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 31
Today is the 31st day of my thousand dollar experiment where I "spend" $1000 virtual dollars a day and add $1000 each day consecutively.....
I have been blessed to be a part of a group that chooses to grow forward. Our group is involved in a 30 day mental cleanse and is studying the book Think and Grow Rich. I have read it before, but to have an online book club to review it with a genius, helps you understand it better. We are on chapter 11 this week and our mentor pointed us to a You Tube Video that made me just cry for joy. This video, called Playing For Change:Song Around The World "Stand By Me."
was so amazing to see. You just have to see it for is a world collaboration of a is quite incredible. This is where my tithe money is going today; to help this organization thrive. I am sure they will appreciate the $3100 donation and put it to good use.
The remainder of the money, $27,900 will be spent on one of the most important pieces for the studio. I want to purchase a baby grand piano to sit in the center of it all.
Model RX-3
6' 1" grand
Beautiful polished ebony finish with matching bench.
Which comes with a price tag of $20,000. I will also add to the piano by including a QRS system which allows one to connect thier i-pod with a bose sound system. The installation will cost $6000. I am sure there will be shipping costs and added expenses that will equal the rest of the money needed to be spent for today! :)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 30
The remainder of the money, $27,000 will go to putting a down payment on a house that we could rent out in town. It has always been my dream to have as many of my children living in the same town so we could be close and help each other. There is this really nice house up for sale in town now that I would just love to own. It is just so pretty and it is right on the park where it would be so nice to live there. It does not have as many bedrooms as my house does, but it has so much going for it. Besides, when we get our home addition, we will need a place to stay, so we can rent it out until the money comes for the addition. Then, we could stay there until the house was done without too much disruption. :) Below is a picture of a fountain that is steps away from the house. It is such a charming place.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 29
Speaking of CDs, today's money ($26,100) will be spent in the studio recording 2 CDs I have always wanted to put out. A funeral selections CD, a Carpenters Tribute CD, and a Christmas CD. I have a little bit of a following and they would all love to have a copy of the CD. I know I will not make the money back, but that is OK. It is just fun being in the studio. The last CD I made was only $600, but I did not edit it to my liking and these CDs would take more time. I am guessing each CD will cost at least $1500 to make plus money to pay the musicians, so probably $2000 at my local studio, Watersign Creative, owned by my friend, Guy Parker. The rest of the money will go to creating the CD professionally and adding to my budding recording studio at home. We will purchase lighting, sound proofing material, more mics, more percussion, more mixing boards, and other equipment that I am sure is out there that I am not even aware of!
TO Music!
All the Best,
Friday, January 16, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 28
I was at church today, honoring the life of Gerry at her funeral. I sing for funerals all year long and usually am not very moved when singing since it is my job to sing; but today was a little different. I found myself a little weepy as the Mass went along. It could have simply been the Pastor and the way he conducted the Mass, who knows. Anyway, the reason I am bringing this whole thing up, is because we still are short 1.5 million dollars in the renovation and my tithe money will go to helping us to build. Now, it is only $2800, but every little bit helps, right?
The remainder of the money will be spent on new doors in the house since most of them are drafty. Really nice doors that have stained glass in them. One for the front, one for each side. Each door will also be equipped with a thumbprint lock. Ok, I just want to replace all the doors in the house. It needs it anyway. There will be work that will need to be done to get them in, so it will probably cost about $10K. The rest will go to buy my hubby a used car of his choice!
So cool!!
All the Best!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 27
It has been 17 years in the making, but OH SO worth the wait. I will keep you posted.
OK....$27 K.....Food For the Poor is looking really hungry today and I saw this awesome poster at my church when I went to teach the little Cherubs choir I teach all about the hungry in Haiti. So I am sending the $2700 to Haiti. It will feed a LOT of hungry people that deserve to eat.basic I have been waiting for a bigger amount to come around to do bigger things. I know I have spent a lot of time doing things for my home and my family, but you know what? We needed that boost. It has not been fun struggling from day to day. Yes, I know we are lucky to have met the needs of the kids and the house and the bills, but it has been tough to see everyone around you go out, go on vacation and do stuff that you couldn't. It was no fun to repeatedly tell the kids "no" so many times that they mostly stop asking. They say things like, Mommy, are we poor? How can I say that we are when we have more than most people in the world?!?! It would be a lie....but it has not been fun. We needed to have fun....and fun we are having; but now it is big dream time and boy, do I have some fun things to do.
I am taking the money left over today and I am going to travel to Ecuador for the sole purpose of buying land to build a school. I will get together with my family to discuss what would work best, consult, and purchase the land and supplies to start to build the structure. When I was a kid, I was given a trip to Ecuador as a gift for college graduation. While on my trip, my Uncle strolled into my Grandfather's kitchen where I was staying, and asked, "Alicia, how would you like to go to the jungle?" "Sure!" I said and the plans were set. Our mission was to deliver goods and a missionary to an indigenous group of South American Indians who lived in the Cuyabeno Reserve in the Ecuadorian Jungle. First, we boarded a plane that was tiny, then we landed in a tiny airport. From there, we took a 2 hour ride to the Army Base where we stayed at the Major's House (since he is my Uncle's Brother-in-Law ) We stayed overnight and the next day, we traveled one hour by truck to the edge of a river bank in a large canoe with the supplies and the missionary. There were large blue butterflies and monkeys....a whole host of jungle inhabitants. After about an hour or two ride on the river, we arrive at the Cuyabeno Lodge
owned and operated by yet another brother-in-law of my Uncle Marcello.
From the lodge, we proceed to deliver the goods and missionary to the Indigenous tribe. We took off and after about 20 minutes, we arrive at the river bank, then we have to haul ourselves up a cliff to get to the village. After some heavy breathing, we arrive! The people are there to meet us with greetings and smiles. It is an amazing site to see indigenous people, running happy and excited to see us. My goal is to provide a school for these kids or any of the other kids I encountered on my trip. I want to build a school and name it La Julia Pastor Escuela De Esperanza (The Julia Pastor School of Hope) in honor of my late Grandmother who I never got the chance to meet. I want the kids who I met riding on the back of a pick up truck to school to have a school bus, new school books and supplies, new equipment to play on, and a better atmosphere for them to learn. I want to give hope.
All the Best,
Alicia Bozza
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 26
I am going to put an application just for that purpose, so I'd love to hear from you.
Today's tithe money will go to Habitat for Humanity in our area to help those who need a helping hand. I was given a chance to purchase a beautiful new condo for a low income price once, and I know how great it is to have a home that is affordable.
The rest of the money ($23,400) will go to paying off the van ($15,000) and going on a major shopping spree. (Major for us, that is) As you may know, I have 7 kids. Each person in our family would get $933 each to spend as they wish on things to wear. I want to take half of their clothes, give it away, and take all the kids and my hubby out shopping. Take a week, take one person at a time and buy them (within reason style wise) what they would like to wear. Shoes, clothes, accessories, the works. It will be a happy day for the Bozza family as we march to the stores of our choice and come out looking very stylish and probably very tired, too!
All the Best!
The VERY Best!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 25
Today's tithe money ($2500) is going to go to several local soup kitchens/food pantries. They will be very excited to get the money!! It will go to hungry neighbors who need the food badly to help make ends meet.
I know it is winter right now, but I am going to focus on warm weather today. What happens in the Bozza household in the warm weather? Well, gardening of course! I will take my left over money ($22,500) and dedicate it to the repair of my rock walls, flower beds and vegetable beds. I will have my local masonry specialist, Franco, re-build my rock walls all along the outer edges of the front of my yard, as well as all along the house and property. I will have him also help me with tilling and re-fertilizing the garden beds as well as the flower beds along the side street and driveway.
We will take down the dog run fence and till the tomato beds and build a custom made raised bed for the new veggies to be grown in the spring. I will even build a mini green house on top of the raised bed that is removable from the bed. All my tomatoes will be warm and safe from any critters! I will even pay for the whole lawn to be covered with sod so that we will have beautiful grass for the kids to play in. (There is a lot of work to do there since we have had critters burrow and make nasty tunnels!!) I will also install a trickling fountain in the back in the middle of my circle garden, complete with a bench to enjoy it all. Oh, and I almost forgot! replace the play area for the kids, complete with built in sand box and play stuff with the rubber outdoor flooring and all. They will love it and so will I.
All the Best!
Alicia Bozza
Monday, January 12, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 24
The rest of the money would be spent on my office. Heh, heh, heh! The transformation would be a big one. I would first have to hire an organizational person, (if not team) to get my office into shape. I know just the person. Just met her at a business card exchange in Morristown. She updates me with her e-mails, so she will be easy to grab. I would paint the whole room, get a real desk, new flooring, new furniture, get rid of a LOT of stuff, get a new computer, and top of the line items to be able to record from my desk, both audio and video. I would have Elizabeth come in again to organize my closet, get new windows in my office, but add a bay to it with a window seat. It is so sunny in my office in the morning and it would be so nice to be able to sit there. I will get those windows with the blinds already built in so that no child could get to it. I would get new doors, one fot the entry and one for the bathroom in my office. I might have some left over money though. I am not sure it would cost quite $21,600, since I am a thrifty shopper. I would join that place, direct buy so that I could save on my purchases, so I am guessing there would be some money left over. I would take that money and get a massage, pay a babysitter, and take my hubby out for a movie and dinner since today is our anniversary. Yep. 18 years, baby. I would also buy him a nice electrician to install the speakers he bought with his Christmas money. :)
All the Best,
ps- the awesome office space above is from this website:
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 23
On my 23rd day, I will take $2300 and give it to the Mt Tabor Historical Society since I love this town so much and it brings me a great deal of joy. I just love it here and wish everyone could feel the same way about where they live! :)
Ok...with today's remaining money, $20,700, I am going to pay for the finishing touches on the studio. I paid for the land to be cleared, the actual building itself, the permits and all that jazz. Some equipment was purchased, but now we need the insulation and the lighting for the recording room, fixtures for the bathroom, a nice desk for the recording equipment, a keyboard, flooring for the room, furniture, pictures, headphones, a water cooler, computer programs to work with, electrical work....all the fixings to make it perfect. My studio is almost done. So excited! I am going to paint the walls a neutral with a touch of purple and have someone come in and feng shui it for me, too. It is shaping up to be the sweetest recording studio ever! In my own backyard. :)
All the Best,
Alicia Bozza
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment...RESULTS
I am just amazed. Yesterday, the tides turned. I really know in my heart that this exercise is truly making a difference. Spending money might seem trivial to you, but there has got to be something to this whole thing. I have been allowing myself to spend money that I imagine I have and suddenly, money is really coming into my life as if the universe is hurrying to speed me the money to catch up to my dreams. I love it. I just got a job with a man who is giving cash away for people's gold. He has asked me to partner with him and his 27 year old business, run by him. I can't think of a better place to make money for myself than the man that is giving money away like its nothing.
He is even connected to another dream in my life....performance. My passion is to sing as many of you know already. Two fulfillments in one. Pinch me. The life I have always dreamed of is on its way. Including a stack of money. Now I will be able to stay home during part of the day (which I do want to do) go out during part of the day (love to do), make great money, (LOVE to do), perform (ADORE to do) and live my life on my terms. (The BEST!) Here's to dreams come true.
All the Best,
Alicia Bozza
Saturday, January 10, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 22
$2,200 to the Appalachia Group, $19,800 left over. Today the money is going to go to finishing up the Garage Project, as I will now affectionately call it. Some money went to it yesterday, for clearing the land, some equipment and now, today, it will go towards the actual building of it. I just found out, according to this awesome website (just added it to my delicious site) that it would cost about $19,500! Right on the money!
All the Best!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wikinomics Pt 2
Everyone has a better shot at broadcasting themselves than ever before. My dream is to record professionally. I can keep putting info out there in the right directions and wah lah! I could get noticed....or I could just get lost in the sea of information ....but we are going to be positive and imagine the former. Take Twitter for example (you can follow me here!) I have some popular singers on my blog. Let's say the singers and I get friendly on Twitter. We message about....what ever....we become Twitter Friends (Twends?) and I happen to post a link to my latest home made video on You Tube (you can subscribe here!) Famous singer person watches it because we have become friends. FSP likes what they see! They want me to come and sing for them to take a closer look! See?!? Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to suck you into my dream world. (I promise I will not do that least in this post.)
The principles of Wikinomics are turning the traditional way of doing business upside down. It's not your Daddy's world anymore. The way things used to be are coming quickly to a halt. The dawn of collaboration is here and it is closing the old ways down quick. Those who are not in synch with the new way of doing business are going to flounder or die out. The need for change eminent since those who are prepared to do business in the Web 2.0 world will supersede those who dig in their heels to the old way of doing business. They will need to be open to the new way of doing things through "openess, peering, sharing and acting globally" according to the book. This new openness will force companies to realize that the act of holding the cards close to their proverbial chests is not the way to go in the world of Wikinomics. Those who let their guard down and take the time to immerse themselves in this new way will be rewarded handsomely, especially those who have already made a name for themselves. They have the advantage of familiarity, but that is no longer going to be enough to carry them. Opening themselves up to the Web 2.0 world will also give them opportunities to flourish since opening up their doors to talent unknown will give them the upper hand in the latest goings on. Those with amazing talent that do not wish to be tied down to a traditional company can lend their talents, be paid for it and still be free. Quite a deal, in my opinion.
There are those who are fighting the leading edge of the Web 2.0 wave. The IT industry was in battle with open systems which offer free products, for fear they would bleed the entire industry, but as of late, are joining in since consumers are being trained to take advantage of those free products. I personally was able to make my Twitter page look really professional through a free application called My Tweet I love it because I can take advantage of a free application that helps to brand me as an up and coming Twitter Queen and they (I am sure) have all my info to market me another day. Can you see it happening already here? I have, in this blog, promoted this site, because they gave it to me for free. You, if you had a Twitter account (and if you don't, you should!) would at least check out the site to have the latest on your Twitter site. You want to be a part of the "IN" crowd. (After all, its free!) Speaking of the"IN"crowd, the playing field got leveled down a whole lot more. Within the web 2.0 community, there are those emmerging who may have otherwise been unknown, like iJustine, who I think is just adorable. Freaky, but adorable. She makes these crazy videos....just click on her and see for yourself. Yes, she is gorgeous and talented, but you know that not all the gorgeous and talented people make it in the great white way or the throes of Hollywood.
You can check out the Wikinomics site to see the latest and greatest by the contributors on their site at That is all for today! I will be reporting again soon!
All the Best,
Alicia Bozza
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 21
On the 21st day of my experiment, I am going to give $2100 to my church for the Haiti village we are building. It is such a testament to our wonderful church that it does so many things and has so many ministries. Around here, Notre Dame is the place to be! I am blessed to be a part of it.
OK! $18,900....with that money, I would like to purchase some necessities for the studio I am building. It is kind of ironic that my post for the 12th day was dedicated to the studio and here I am at 21 and the studio comes up again. I will take it as a good sign. The $10,800 going towards my studio would probably be spent on equipment, the $18,900 would be spent on clearing the land, widening the driveway and paving the driveway....$14,000....and the remaining $4,900 will be spent on blueprints, permits and some instruments for the kids to play in the studio. Gavin would love a new guitar and Justin, some great amps and mics. What a happy day!
All the Best!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 20
$18,000 would pay for a trip to Costa Rica since that is where the money would need to go. I have a friend with some family there and I would take my family to Costa Rica to do whatever we could to help those in need. The money would be used for our travel, hotel stay, rental cars, and a guide as well as other things to make our trip complete. We would also travel to another side of the island to enjoy some of its beauty after we complete our mission to help.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Napoleon Reflection
Reading the great book again. Makes for a great read the 5th time.
What makes you build a stronger fire? Knowing. Knowing exactly what it is
you want. Picturing it. Picturing it in your mind so clearly that you could see
the color of the sky on the day that you go and get that which you desire.
So clearly that you could see the condition of your house, the smell of the
breeze and the color of your clothes. The mood of those around you.
Everything. When you could picture it so clearly that you can taste it and
you are not anxious about it, it when you are that many steps closer to
your goal. I always have believed that it is who you know not what you know,
since it always seemed to appear to me that way, but I am starting to believe
that those people that you need to meet appear when you mentally prepare
yourself to be in the position to meet that person. Did you ever notice that
the right people seem to appear when you are ready to meet them? They just
seem to come right at the perfect moment. Was it a plain coincidence or did the
attraction of your desire and the desire of the person to help coincide?
I dare to say the latter.
I can honestly say that as a child I was always singing and very dramatic, so
my Mom used to always say that I belonged on Broadway. I really never
gave it much thought since I knew she was saying it in a negative manner,
but today I believe she is right! I never really knew I could sing growing up.
I once had someone say, "You have the voice of a god! Can't you hear your
own voice?" and I truthfully tell them that really did not know. It was just
what I heard everyday and did not think twice about it. As a 10th grader,
I tried out for a play at school and made it to the call backs. I was thrilled.
At the audition, my good friend Gwen tried out too. I did not think she had
as good a voice as mine. She made it. I didn't. I sat.....for years...doing
nothing else. I allowed the auditioners decide my fate at that moment.
Not until after college did I get the courage to try again, this time, in church.
I walked up to the music minister and asked if I could cantor (a term we use
to describe a leader of song) and he asked me if I could read music. I told
him no, and he told me the same. Rejected again. So I settled for the choir.
Years later, someone asked me if I sang at Wedding Ceremonies. I told them
"YES!" (I never had before) It was a success. My Wedding business began.
Years passed by and we changed churches and to my surprise the very same
music minister appeared telling me I had such a beautiful voice. "Oh really?"
I said, "you told me I couldn't sing!" He immediately turned red and stammered,
"I did?" and I relayed the story to him of how he did not let me sing at the other
church years before. My persistence paid off! I wanted to sing and I kept on
trying until I succeeded.
One of my personal dreams is to be on BROADWAY so it was a curious thing to
listen to Napoleon Hill speak of a person making it on Broadway. He called it
the "graveyard of dead hopes and the front porch of opportunity." Wow.
What truth in that statement. Well, which is it? The graveyard or the porch
of opportunity? Only we get to choose. I choose the porch of opportunity.
It is not my job to worry about how the gate will open up onto the porch,
but instead it is my job to keep walking toward the gate,
know it will open and allow me to walk onto that porch of opportunity. Gosh,
I'd settle for a step...just to be close to the Great White Way. In the meanwhile,
I'm happy at whatever mic I could find wherever I could find it. That is my job
for today and I am learning to love it anyway.
All the Best,
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 19
OhhhKay! Now that I have that off my chest, here goes today's plans. Today's tithe money ($1800) is going to go to a nice family in who was affected by Hurricane Katrina. I will let my friend David pick who it goes to. He is in contact with people there. He will know where to take it.
The remainder of the money ($17,100) will go to pay for the van (I believe there is $20,000 left, so I'd pay half) and the $7000 left over will go to pay for bills and a new railing in my hallway along with a new coat of paint and new flooring.
In a rush today....promise pictures tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 18
My day, 18. $18,000. There is so much to do. First, tithe. I have been thinking about where the money would go today and I really have to stop and think.....but I have decided that today, the $1800 would go to a sweet Priest, Fr. Pat, who runs a daily morning prayer e-mail that I subscribe to. He is going through chemo right now, so keep him in your prayers. He is so humble about asking for donations. I hope he will be surprised.
As for the remaining $16,200, I would take that money and put $10,000 into a credit card for Gavin to have a college money. It would be so much fun to hand him the money and say, here is a loaded up credit card for school ONLY. Then I would take the other money and spend it on re-decorating my other sons' room. It is a long room, so there is lots to do. I also have a linen closet in there as well that I would re-do. Lots of paint, new beds, new curtains, black out blinds, pictures in frames, new furniture...all the trimmings. If there was enough money left over, (which I doubt) I would have Elizabeth come in to do their closet. If not, I would get those magic hanger things and put lots of them in the closet for more space.
All the Best!
Your Friend,
Monday, January 5, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 17
On the 17th day of my experiment, I will give my tithe money to help the Sisters of Charity in Newark. When I was a little girl, my parents used to take me to the Sister's Soup Kitchen on a regular basis. I remember they even took me once at Christmas and I helped to serve the poor their food and just be friendly. It was a humbling experience, but one I think I will have to take my children to one day just to allow them to realize that they have it good. My greatest reward in going to the soup kitchen was when Mother Teresa, in the flesh, came to the Soup Kitchen to be with us and speak to us at the end of the celebration of a Mass. It was so cool to meet her. She touched us kids and she touched our hearts. What a privilege to be in the presence of a Saint.
I am so lucky. Almost makes me feel guilty to spend the money today, but, for the sake of the experiment, here goes. I will take the remaining $15,300 and spend it on paying the van off some more, I believe there is $25,000 left, so I will pay off another $5000, making it $20K.
The remaining $20,000 will be used to repair the deck in the back yard and the fence that runs along the back yard. I have always wanted to have that fixed. I will also replace the fence in the front of the house and have a railing installed on the roof of my porch which is outside the window of a couple of the bedrooms. (We have had children venture out there! The very last thing I would do is to replace the railing on the edge of the little balcony of my bedroom. That should cover it! See you tomorrow!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Playing Ball
Most of my network marketing career, I would hear, only play ball with those who want to play ball with you! Throw them the ball and when they throw it back to you, you know you have a team player! That was all well and good, but I always felt like no one wanted to play with me. I always thought it was me. Was I not good enough, pretty enough, tall enough, not respectable enough? What was wrong with me? Why didn't anyone want to play with me? I would study the latest closing techniques, put them to memory, practice in front of the mirror and even use no avail. I went to meetings, events, purchased material, and still not as much luck as I wanted! Why was this happening to me. Is it something I did in my childhood that I am paying for? Whaaaa!
Now, of course I did not voice these things out loud, but I would feel anxious and edgy to all those around me without really knowing why exactly. My Director in my company would tell me that I was a great leader and that I was doing great, but I did not believe her. Why? The evidence wasn't there. Who was to blame in my mind? ME. Well, there was nothing wrong with the company, right? Wrong! No company is perfect for that matter, but when you have a company that is designed to support only those who are the most cut throat and a do or die attitude, then is it the fault of the person who is just not cut out that way? I think not. Recently, though, I found a system in which I have found some team players. None of them coerced, not of them lulled in by any false pretenses....they have come of their own accord....willingly. It has been exciting to hear the words: "Did you know that your lack of success is NOT your fault?" What? It isn't? You mean I don't have to blame myself anymore? WOW! I can't begin to tell you the freedom that simple sentence gives. Freedom from blame, freedom from shame. It's not my fault.....ahhhhhh. Now I can pick myself up again with a renewed hope and PLAY BALL!
For more about this amazing system, feel free to check it out at or contact me at or send me a twitter at or call me at 973-664-9658
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 16
$14,400 is what is left for today. I am chomping at the bit for this one!! I am going to re-decorate my girl's room today. I am going to hire back Elizabeth for the girl's closet, get new windows, pull out the rug, get all new furniture, a very cool bunk bed with top of the line tempurpedic mattresses, 4 sets of brand new sheets, new baby mattresses (top of the line) a new crib for Bella, Princess netting to go over her bed, new paint including chalk board paint, since V likes to write on our walls! (ARGH!!) New dressers, everything custom designed for the room for girls (and one little boy who is with them) Maybe it will be a Princessy except for one corner, being his. It will take a lot of time and money since it will be custom made for mostly girls, but one boy. I will take some of the money, though and help pay down the Sienna we purchased. I think there is $30,000 left, so I will give $5000 toward it, so that would make it down to $25,000. Maybe I will knock most of it off on day 25. Who knows? Not to worry, another $1000 will be added to tomorrow's total anyway. :) Gotta run!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 15
I was having a hard time thinking about where to send the tithe money today and I decided that it would best go to Focus on the Family, a nice little place out in Colorado Springs, CO. I have always enjoyed their messages and media.
The rest of the money ($13,500) would go to re-decorating my entire bedroom. I would rip e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g out of it and start all over again. I would get new windows, new furniture, a new bed, new lamps, a new floor, new rugs, rip out the closets and have them insulated and lights installed. I would have my friend Elizabeth, who works with California Closets come in and design both our closets, and have a designer come in and organize the rest of the room. Between the designers, the material, new bed linens and comforters and pillows, and all the rest of the stuff, I am sure I would be able to spend every last penny to make my bedroom sheer perfection. I would even get a bose system to soothe my musical soul.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Welcome to the World of Wikinomics
"Welcome to the world of Wikinomics where set 2 change every institution in society." from the book Wikinomics I got a special treat yesterday. The opportunity to read the book entitled: Wikinomics. What is Wikinomics you ask? I think the quote above explains it quite well, but I will expand on the topic. It is the mass collaboration of information and of individual who together make up the new, growing economic future. It is a place where one can count bigger and better than before. It is a wave that is growing by leaps and bounds and is not to be ignored. Ignoring it is death in the future business world. Incorporating is life. Change or die. Its that simple. Stake your claim in the future world and you will succeed. Stay stuck in the old ways of doing things and you will be just that: stuck. In the first chapter so far, the story is told of a Canadian Gold Mining Company whose President stepped way out of the box and used his knowledge of Wikinomics and applied them to benefit his company. They integrated it so flawlessly that it made more discoveries of gold than they thought possible. They attracted, through the use of the newly created global community exactly what they needed and so much more. I am excited to keep reading this book. I will post more as I read alongs its pages.
Here is one more quote before I go: "Individuals now share knowledge, computing power, bandwith, and other resources to create a wide array of free and open source goods and services that anyone can use or modify" "All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join in the economy."
Heres to sparks.
All the Best,
Your Friend,
Alicia Bozza
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 14
Then I would take the $12,600 and spend it on organizing the house from top to bottom with BIG help! I would hire a team of people to purchase the proper equipment of have it built to suit. I would organize everything from the closets to the toys. It would be cleaned and all organized. I would be so excited to see that everything has a place! The kids would also be trained in the use of this new environment that they would be living in!
What a day that will be.
Then I would take a hot bath.
All the Best,
Your Friend,
Alicia Bozza
My THOUSAND Dollar experiment....Day 13
On the 13th day of my experiment, the tithe money is going to a group I recently found on the internet called Ecuador Missions. They are already doing one of the things I would like to do on my "list of things to do in life" list. They are providing help to the indigenous people of Ecuador. When I was 19, I had the chance to visit the indigenous people of Ecuador in a tribe located near a place called Cuya Beno. It was an exhilarating trip. I am lucky to have been there. Recently, 2 of my eldest boys traveled there and they loved it. I cannot wait to return. I want to make a difference...but since I cannot right this moment in time, I am going to send $1300 to them to help build much needed bathroom facilities.
The remaining $11,700 will be spent on cleaning out and finishing part of my basement with most of the work being clean out. We have a 140 year old home and the basement is more of a cellar. I need it to be cleaned out, sanitized and organized, so I would take that money and put it toward that badly needed project. A LOT of things would be thrown out, let me tell you!!
Here is a picture similar to what my cellar looks like:
The finished product of this particular cellar can be found on:
I love the way it came gives me hope to have a nicer looking cellar in the future.
All the Best,
Your Friend,