Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas?

Now that all depends on how you choose to celebrate. This year I wanted to give my children the gift of understanding. It is not an easy gift to open up. I wanted them to understand that the true meaning of Christmas was not how many gifts they were going to get, but instead about love and giving. More giving than receiving.

I wanted to try to help them realize that if they did not get any material things on Christmas, that it would be OK. They they would not die or fall off the face of the earth! Now could we have gone into debt to give our kids the "traditional" Christmas? Sure! Why, though, get into debt just for the sake of tradition? Now I am sure there may be many of you who are not going into debt to buy Christmas gifts. Then there are those of you who are green, who saved in your Christmas Club account and had the money! I am not mocking you. I just wanted to point out that we are teaching our kids certain lessons with our actions and I am helping them to realize that happiness does not come out of a box. It comes from within your heart.
All the Best,
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Alicia Bozza
ps- for more on the colors, see my YouTube page:

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